Nov 24, 2010

Have a happy and safe holiday! PA police cracking down on unsafe driving.

Drive Safely!

Please drive safely this holiday weekend. Thanksgiving weekend is one of the largest party weekends of the next few months, and you need to be aware that extra enforcement will be out looking for problem drivers.

If the police think it is enough of a problem to put extra patrols on the road for increased enforcement, then you should be extra careful when driving this weekend. You should be on the lookout for erratic driving and dangerous situations. Drinking and driving is a dangerous combination and when combined with a larger than normal party crew, being out during prime DUI times will be extra dangerous.

Slow down when driving!

Make sure you are aware of who is around and where they are headed. Take an extra moment to make sure that guy headed for you is really going to stop at the stop sign, and then proceed. If you notice that car in front of you swerving and weaving, slow down and let them go ahead, and don't be afraid to call 911 if you see someone driving crazy, it might just save their lives and yours.

Protect your drivers license!

Remember that your drivers license is a valuable privilege to have, and if for nothing else make sure your driving safely this holiday season.

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