I'm sure Pennsylvania residents and PennDOT would like to prevent an increase in accidents and fatalities.
"With motorcycle use sharply on the rise, it is essential that operators of all types of vehicles look out for one another," said PennDOT Secretary Barry J. Schoch, P.E.With these type of numbers, and the attention that motorcycle drivers are getting, police will be especially aware of the interaction of motorcyclists and other drivers. This could lead to increased traffic stops and citations in an effort to reduce these numbers, and increase awareness of the issues facing our two wheeled road users.

As part of their efforts to keep motorcyclists safe, PennDOT created the Live Free Ride Alive website to encourage riders to take personal responsibility for their actions on the road. The website allows motorcyclists to share personal riding stories with one another and take the "Be One Less" pledge to avoid becoming a crash statistic. www.LiveFreeRideAlive.com Free basic and experienced motorcycle safety courses are available to state residents through the Pennsylvania Motorcycle Safety Program. Taking an approved motorcycle safety training course decreases the chances of a rider being killed or injured in a crash. You can find these courses online at www.pamsp.com.
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